Milos insulin humalog protocol ( 8 ui pre + 8 ui post) explained detailed

 I always try to be educational with my post on media and teach you guys from my experience.

Today I will try to educate you about insulin based on my experience and what I learned from the greatest Milos Sarcev 💪🏽

First of all, insulin is not for everyone and if you don't know how insulin works will make you fat as fuck or worse can kill you !
I think insulin benefits only the ectomorphic type of guys , the hard gainers who have a very fast metabolism and low body fat.For the mesomorphic type, is good only when your diet is 100% on point and in combination with GH . For the endomorphic type of people I don't recommend it at all ( will make you fat )
How to use it ? READY FOR THE SECRET⁉️😄

I learned from Milos one of the best ways to use it and get the most of it !

The protocol look like this :

•Eat your pre workout meal about 1.5 h before training consisting in about 70g slow GI carbs 50g easy digestible protein ( fish ) and 15g of coconut oil ( yes you can combine carbs with fat and insulin )
•Take 8 ui Humalog ( fastest insulin) 45 min before training,
• 15 min after you take the insulin drink 50 g fast absorption carbs ( karbolyne or Gatorade) WITH 10g of EAA ( essential amino acids) , 15g BCAA , 10g GLUTAMINE , 5 g creatine ,
•After 30 min from the carb and amino drink and 45 min from insulin start your training ,
• During the training make another drink with 50g fast absorption carbs ( Karbolyne or Gatorade ) WITH 10g EAA , 15 g BCAA , 10g glutamine , 5g creating AND DRINK IT DURING THE WORKOUT,
• 15 min before you finish the workout take another 8 ui of insulin ( Humalog )
• After you finish the workout within 15 min have your post workout meal consisting in 70-80g carbs from white rice or cream of rice with 1 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup (30g isolate or hydrolysate protein )

If you find my post interested please LIKE & SHARE IT !
I still have some available spots for coaching, so if you want to take a professional approach of your contest prep or off season send me an email to or shot me a message here on Facebook!


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