Milos Sarcev 12 week Olympia Cycle (Only steroids, no gh or insulin) Nemanja Simon: nadjoh nesto zanimljivo,ne znam dal je istina,ali rekoh da nakacim... "........Smart pros use dramatically LESS than what most of the people believe... Some of the guys I prepare actually complained on amounts I have given here on board - as WAY TOO MUCH...and I do know few guys who hardly touch those amounts... But, if you want to accomplish THE BEST EFFECT: Highest anabolism, lowest catabolism, appropriate androgenic activity and possible fat loss while trying to maintain (or gain?) muscle size and considering correct usage and certainly NOT abusing any drugs...keeping eye on possible side effects vs benefits...than my 12 week Olympia cycle would be: 4 weeks: Sustanon 250 - (500-750 mg/week) Deca (500 mg/week) Dboll (3X20mg/day) Trenbolon (200 mg/week) Arimidex - 1mg /day 5-8 week: Test Prop 50-100 mg/day alternate with Test Heptylate 50-100 mg day (500-700 mg/week) Trenbolon Acetate (200 mg/week...