joeyflex69 protocols gh and slin
So far for putting back most of my size lean- this is my best protocol- almost no sides- not tired- as many of you know have had 2 surgies so far and may need another.
Im at about 90% of where I was at, it took about 1 year 1 year 2 month's
18iu serostim now EOD ( I can afford more then 3 times a week)
100mcg t-4 daily
1mg armidex every 3 days- I was getting horrible joint pain with more-
15iu novolog post workout only on workout days year round
50-70iu of lantus 1 time a week year round on leg or back big muscle group days
EOD-1 shot of 200mg test cyp/250mg sust/200mg deca/300mg of EQ (1 cc of each every other day)
That's it.
Diet is very very good, mostly fish, egg whites lean beef - fish always at night
macro- carbs about 250gm protein 350-400gm fats less then 70gm
training 2 days on 1 day off. 5 days a week
cardio- walk 3-5 miles a day with carriage and or Dogs. 5-7 days a week heart rate 100-120bpm
in the last 6 months I have went from 238-240 at 13% to 267 at 9%
Pure facts. No bro science no studies etc. Just what a top coach will tell you. Save yourself money
So you wanna look like a pro??
Genetics are important especially in 10 top otherwise dont worry too much. Gear response and specifically gh repsonse and how much igf your body converts your gh to ans how you resoond to insulin
Bone structure is important small waist ams joints
Long full muscle bellies
1. A strong mind rock solid
2. Eat the same shit day in day out 5-20 years without missing a meal. Lets say 1 a month is fine.
3. Know how ans when to use cheatmeals to grow frequency is based on gh respose and body fat .
4. Keep shit simple pin what works year after year non stop
5. Sleep enough 7-8rs min
6. Train correctly
7. Nutrition again
8. Find out what works training wise and repeat
9 cut your body fat to 6% or less at least 1-2 times a year or compete this is very important. Even if you only stay there a week or 2.
10. Progressively raise your hormone ans gh intake and food intake as needed
High tolerance
Meaning don't start off with a gram of test ans 12iu of gh with insulin
Lets say this starting
600mg test cup or e
800mg eq
50mg ed winny if your fat
75mg tren eod
1mg armidex eod or 10mg nolva if not on gh
If you can afford gh 4-5 ed
Years later now your a heavy weight super heavy weight
What will you be on year round
10-30iu of gh
1000-3000mcg of test usually 2 esters
1000-2000mg of eq
1mg ed arimidex
Some add 1000mg deca
50-300iu of insulin a day
Orals fuck up your apptite especially anadrol. These are used strictly precontest last 3 weeks to keep you full and so you can diet and not binge
Halotest are used strictly last 8 weeks with diet and cardio
Higher level involves more stuff that cannot be dicussed here due to policy and safety such as plasma expanders sythol, escaline, dnp, duetieic regments along with insulin ( not safe due to electrolite imbalances ) combined with restricting water. This is all what I want everyone to avoid, unless your stepping on olpmpyia stage which you already know the above. Many pros do not use dnp its poison and deadly and not needed.
Ask questions away except about the banned subances in just mentioned
Was using serostim 6iu ed
Now m w f 18iu sersostim total 54iu wk
On 900mg sust
800mg cyp and test e
750mg deca
1000mg eq
1mg arimidex ed
I recommend switch from nolvadex to arimidex since it's a SERM
I am bigger and leaner then last time on 9iu ed
Some pros having been running like this
Plus low insulin
Log 10iu breakfast log 10iu post workout on training days only
Log 10iu breakfast log 10iu post workout on training days only
I switched because ghlr3 talked me into it I use mostly pharma grade when it's avail
So what does a pro insulin protocol look like?
First off don't do this-its not for you build up and work with a coach- this will not make you huge over night-
Lantus daily 30-60iu
novolog 25-40iu Every meal all 6-8
Pre and post workout
some also use R pre and post workout (double peak insulin staking) rest log only
some do this high run only 2 days a week heavy training days
rest of the week
lantus 30-60iu
and log pre and post workout or some simply prefur R for this.
Globallly an 8 week run
with t3 50-150mcg a day
with 18iu gh pharma grade split up to 3 injections daily some do 4
or some do
20-30iu gh Every other day in one shot post workout
some are using increlex with this 5-10mg a day
some are using grams of test
some are using igf-1 des 100mcg in each muscle spot injects.
some are using igf-1 lr3 100-300mcg post workout 40 days on and off.
Some will only eat carbs with insulin or no carbs at all no insulin
some doseage is higher or lower do to resistance-
Simple lesion
What I would do if I was you?
1. train naturally for 2-4 years until I failed to progress- eating training and resting correctly. base or foundation
2. drop my bodyfat as low as possible while being natural, without being in a catabolic state- lean how to diet and how to eat correct.
3. stay in this depleted state for 4- 6 weeks
3. 1st cycle Add in
500mg test cyp or enathate wk
600mg eq
50mg of masteron daily
10mg of nolvadex or any anti estrogen
continue this for 12-15 weeks
week 16
drop down to test cyp 300mg wk
10mg nolvadex
Week 20 or 24 your choice
Test cyp or enthat 500mg wk
deca 600mg wk
proviron 50mg daily
10mg nolvadex daily or any anti ei
Use this till week 32 or 36 (12 weeks)
Week 36
test prop 50mg daily
test cyp 200mg wk
Tren ace 50-100mg EOD
masteron 50mg daily
Winny 50mg daily
Any anti estrogen
10 weeks only
week 46- 50
test cyp 300mg or enthate
10mg nolvadex
weeks 50-62
Sust 250mg 3 times a week
test cyp 100-200mg a week
Deca 800mg wk
dbol 40-50mg daily first 4 weeks or 6
20mg nolvadex daily or 1mg arimidex.
if you can afford it starting week 1 add pharma gh 4iu daily, at the middle you can use 6iu GH daily.
can split in 2 shots am and afternoon or at night if over 35. ED not 5/2 6/1 blah blah
after year 1 can introduce 8-12iu of humalin r or Log post workout only on workout days for 4-8 weeks max taking off min 8 weeks off time
Training split should be for size 2 days on 1 day off compound movements- hammer strgenth barbell dumbbell ect.
conditioning training split is 6 days a week m to sat with sunday off LESS intense lighter weights more isolation and cable- look for weeks of corisponding hormones.
Diet should be min 5-6 meals taking in 40-60gm of protein every 3 hours- more red meat for bulking more fish for leaning out - look at hormones. as in tren winny and fish, sust deca and steak. macros carbs fats adjusted accroundingly. high carbs low fats or high fats low carbs protein stays same sometimes alittle higher.
keep diet simple yams oats brown rice white rice fish eggs, steak water, coffee. cheat meal
Diet Training I like chris acetos works
training I like -Charles glass
Hormones training- chad Nichols
watch videos and read, plenty of free advice.
Sample blueprint
Ideally your at under 12% no money for gh
Aas only
Ed 50mg test prop
Ed 100mg tren ace
Ed 20mg nolvadex
Ed 50mg of proviron
Eod 50mg of masteron
Wk 250mg test cyp or ethante.
If your not getting lean enough after 4- 6 weeks
Can add 50mg ed of winny
If you feel like adding more.
800mg of eq
25mcg yes mcg of t3 daily
You can run this for 12-15 weeks
If super lean and wanna add alittle more during this or after
8-10iu of humalog post workout
Or 8-10iu of r shot 20 min before completing workout
Start at 5iu workup to 10iu no more then that
Only on worklout days 4-8 weeks max
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